Thursday, June 25, 2015

New Blog. New Beginning.

Hi everyone!

I am starting a new blog instead of posting on the LiftStyle website. Together my LiftStyle partner and I have decided to take separate routes and work on our own thing. Still going to support the LiftStyle brand and way of life!

Anyways, on this blog I will continue posting my recipes, life advice, rants, workout tips, and more. Along with keeping you all updated on my life and what I've been up to.

SO it's summer! Finally. I don't know about where you live but here in Illinois it's been raining cats and dogs. There's been tornadoes and thunderstorms left and right! Crazy.

I've been busy with work, going to the gym every morning, applying to grad school, and life in general. I've got an AWESOME boyfriend, Ryan, who pushes me in and out of the gym to make goals and strive for more. WHICH IS GREAT. I think everyone needs someone like that in their lives, you just have to find your own! ;-)  I'm also really busy being a grandma, going to bed at 9:00pm and getting up at 6:00am on the weekends. I'm awesome, I know. I just love feeling refreshed and maximizing my time on the weekends. Now that playoff hockey is over, I don't know what to do with my time. I'm actively studying for my ACE certification as well, which I'm extremely excited for and will be super relieved to have that under my belt once it's done.

This week(end), since it's already Thursday, I will be focused on replying to your emails and inquiries. If you ever have any questions or concerns about anything or are interested in personal training or macro coaching, you can email me at

I'm sure most of you follow me on Instagram (which is awesome and I love all of you from the bottom of my heart) and I really enjoy interacting with you all and answering your questions about whatever topics come to your mind!

Right now, I'm not sure when my next bodybuilding competition will be. I really want to change up the package I bring to the stage so I think I need more time off than a couple of months. I want to really bring in my waist and lean out. I know I have good muscle development and I think leaning out more will really change how I look on stage.

Enough of me rambling about myself...

I want to know what you want to see/hear/read! Let me know! Whether it being a comment on this post or an email, I'd love to know what you want me to post about.

I hope you all have a great day, and in honor of #TBT here's a post of me from January 2012, everyone has to start somewhere!!

Xoxo Sarah ☺️

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