SO here goes nothing...
If you aren't going to put in the work inside and outside of the gym, 24 hours a day, then you won't get the results you want.
You can go ahead and have a little pity party for yourself that you can't lose weight and you aren't seeing changes and that you're unhappy with yourself. Sure, go ahead. See if that helps. It won't.
As someone who is passionate about the health and fitness industry, it sickens me to see people who supposed 'want' to change and be healthy, not actually change and not be healthy.
Was it easy for me to get where I am? No.
Will it be easy for anyone else? No.
Did I want to quit at times? Yes.
Did I actually quit? No.
The difference between those who get results and those who don't is that the people who get results work their damn asses off 24/7. They meal prep, they avoid drinking, they push themselves at the gym, they do extra cardio, they don't eat junk, they skip the bread, they skip the sweets, THOSE are the people who get results.
Sure I have sweets and treats now and then, that's okay, it's called balance. But if you're not committed 100% to changing your health and fitness, there is no balance. If you eat one healthy meal a week, sure that's a good start but that's all it is. You need to be committed.
Do you realize there are people who want to help you? People who would love to show you new ways to exercise, new ways to meal prep, healthier options when it comes to food, just to educate you on how to actually see results? I am one of those people, and it KILLS me every time I have a client who isn't really 100% committed and ends of falling off track. I want my clients and friends and family to use my knowledge to gain there own. But they have to be hungry for change and motivated to change themselves.
You can't half-ass health or fitness, you'l never reach your goals. So until you can commit 110%, you will never reach your goals. That's the blunt truth.
I started following IIFYM AFTER I ate clean for a YEAR. I taught myself to eat wholesome food and cook new recipes THEN I treated myself ONCE a week, but it still wasn't binge eating. I didn't eat a giant burger and fries and a milkshake. I had a burger with a salad and a water. BALANCE.
^That's not yelling that's stern talking.
Everyone has the right to be healthy, it's just up to you if you want to commit yourself to a healthy lifestyle. This process wasn't easy for me and it kills me to think people are just assuming I'm being a know-it-all or preachy when I talk about this subject, but I'm honestly not. I know how hard it is to be a 20-something with a bodyfat percentage over 30%. I know how it is to feel sloppy and uncomfortable in my clothes. I know how it is to dread going clothes shopping because I hate buying those big sizes. I've been there. I've done all that. I know how it is to feel anti-social because everyone is drinking Friday-Sunday. Sometimes even more often than that. It's all in your mindset and self control. It starts and ends with you.
If you ever need to talk or need me to shake some sense into you, email me! I am more than happy to give you a talkin' to.
- Sarah
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