Thursday, June 25, 2015

My View on "FIT" and MAN Sports

So today's subject in the word "FIT" regarding social media...
I see A LOT of accounts adding the word 'fit' to their name as soon as they start a fitness journey or gain recognition for their transformation. I think any health improvement is AWESOME, don't get me wrong. I just feel that adding 'fit' to a username defines you as only FITNESS related or attempting to be fitness related or whatever.
My social media is more than just FIT. Yes, fitness is part of my life, a HUGE part, but there's more to me than fitness and the gym. I do have a life and interests outside of fitness, believe it or not. I don't mind if you have 'fit' in your username, it's just not something I'll ever do. 
I commend anyone who starts their fitness journey at any point in their life. Fitness is a great thing to have in your life, but like everything balance is key. Adding 'fit' or 'fitness' to your username won't make you any more fit or active or swole or cool for that matter. What makes someone admirable is the work and determination they have, not their username. Anyone can put the word 'fit' or 'fitness' in their username, but not everyone can put in the work and have the motivation to continue their fitness journey.
Again, this is not a stab at anyone, and I'm not going to dislike anyone because they have the word 'fit' in their username. This is just me saying WHY I won't ever have a "SarahPinksFit" account. There's more to Sarah than just the gym. Don't label yourself, be you. Show everyone who you are and everything you do, and be PROUD. Don't follow the mainstream 'cool' thing to do. DO YOU, BABY BOO.


I am now a BRAND AMBASSADOR for MAN Sports! YAY! I am SO EXCITED. Their products come in creative and awesome flavors and WORK as they should! The best part of this is that THIS BENEFITS YOU! Who doesn't love supplements that WORK and DISCOUNTS?! I will have more information on the products and my own personal reviews, but until then to put it out there... My affiliate code (to be used at checkout) is SARAHPINKS (See, no 'fit' there) so feel free to visit their site and check out the products they have to offer! You'll get 15% off by using my code!
Have a GREAT Thursday and I'll be back to posting on a regular basis again soon :)

- Sarah 

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