Thursday, June 25, 2015

Asking For Help!

Onto my newest topic... asking for help. So fitness is becoming really popular and 'trendy', which I think is GREAT. BUT, you need proper guidance and instruction to be successful. Without a plan or someone to help you, you're going to end up going around and around in circles. Nobody wants that. To maximize your time and results, I highly suggest either registering for our 12-week LiftStyle program, hiring a personal trainer, or tagging long with a friend or family member who has been lifting/working out/knows what the hell they're doing for awhile. 
Anyone can go to the gym and do the same boring routine every single day. Are you going to get results? Maybe. Are you going to get bored of your program? Probably. 
It's in your best interest to invest in yourself and your health. Invest in what matters to you. That new designer purse or your health and fitness? Your choice. 
You're never too young, either. I'm 23 and decided a year ago that I needed to stop partying on the weekends and drinking benders and get my ass into the gym. Do you want to spend your money at the bar on drinks that will only lead you to a miserable hangover and regrets? Or do you want to invest that money into your health that will last a whole lot longer? 
Just something to think about!

- Sarah

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