Thursday, June 25, 2015

Flexible Dieting

Ahh the beauty of Flexible Dieting...

The word diet is stypid but when I mean dieting I'm talking about what I eat daily, not some stupid fad diet or extreme diet. Not my thing. Flexible dieting has saved me and changed my life COMPLETELY.
Flexible Dieting isn't eating food while doing a wounded peacock or a destroyer of the universe pose. Flexible dieting is a lifestyle, you're given a calculated amount of calories and therefore macronutrients to hit each day. I, personally, don't always 'hit my macros' but as long as I'm in ballpark range, that's flexible dieting. Now this does not mean you can eat cheeseburgers and donuts all day, every day, BUT it does give you the FLEXIBILITY to fit those into your daily caloric intake if need be. If you need to get off track a bit for a meal here or there, IT'S OKAY. You're not going to melt. You're not going to explode. You're not going to gain 10 pounds. You'll be okay, just get back on track for the next meal.
This also means fun recipes and experimenting with different food groups. I like to keep my diet pretty 'clean' but I do enjoy things like donuts and bagels so I'll eat them if I want to. Because I can. And I will. #DonutsAreLife #Carbs
A lot of people have a mindset that food is an enemy. Food is not an enemy, food is your friend. Your mind is your enemy. Your mindset of being scared of food or binging is what is holding you back from your fitness goals. Food is the answer. By calculating your amount of calories and macros to aim for each day, your body is getting a healthy amount of calories. Now it's just up to you to stick to it and make sure you're feeding yourself more quality calories than empty calories.
Yesterday, I made sweet potato brownies. Yes. 'Healthy' brownies. They still had real chocolate chips and cocoa powder in them, but they included wholesome ingredients like sweet potatoes and coconut oil. YUMMMAY. I may sound like a super pinterest-y person, but I'm not. I pin more recipes than I'll ever make but I was dying for something sweet and I'm currently 3 weeks out from my show so I'm trying to keep my Reese's egg intake to a minimum. (Personal decision, nothing to do with flexible dieting) So I whipped up a double batch and they were pretty good! I'm going to experiment with another recipe and post whichever is better tasting to me. But have fun with it, there's a lot of recipes that are fairly easy to make and can help you with your cravings! 

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