Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Squat Bottomed Girls Make the Rockin' World Go Round

Too many women are going through life without lifting weights.
Too many myths surround fitness when it comes to women (and men, too)
Too many women think lifting weights will make them look manly
Too many women don't know how to lift weights or how to start
Too many women rely on half-ass workouts to get them to their goals
Too many women don't realize the physical and mental health benefits of lifting weights
Too many women don't realize the potential their bodies have.
Too many women don't give weights a chance.
I am determined to tear down that stigma.

I am a female, I am 24 (almost 25), and I love lifting weights. If I could make a living on lifting weights and sharing my knowledge, I totally would. I have a passion for fitness, but I haven't always.

It hit me a few weeks ago while I was standing in line at Costco. Many people I was surrounded by had poor posture, body types that did not look natural or healthy (excess fat's an article on excess fat deposits on men and women so you don't bite my face off and tell me I'm being mean FAT aka ADIPOSE), and unhappy faces. Sure it could mean anything but to me, I felt that if these people introduced health and fitness to their lives, they would stand taller, be more confident, and happy. I could have been totally wrong, and it can't apply to everyone but I know it could help A LOT of people.

This is NOT the start of body shaming and if you don't care what you body looks like, that's totally fine. To each their own. But I am a firm believer that the body is a temple and you should take care of it. That doesn't mean that I'm perfect, I'm FAR from it, but I try. I try really hard and I try every day. Yes, the body needs fat to protect organs, insulate the body, and more but it does not need excess fat.

Back on subject after the necessary disclaimer before everyone jumps down my throat...
The body is not designed to carry excess body fat, be slumped in poor posture, and the mind does not thrive on insecurities and unhappiness. What you put in your body every day determined the health for the REST of your life. Not just today, not just until that food or drink is out of your system, these daily habits have an effect on your body forever...UNLESS you decide to change them.

If you want to keep drinking (too) often, eating whatever (or not enough), staying up too late, and not getting the proper amount of daily exercise, that's your choice. BUT let me tell you...there is a whole different world out there and you are always welcome to it. A lifestyle that treats the body like a temple and doesn't give into the temptation of overloads of sugars, alcohols, and chemicals. A world that you can still have DELICIOUS foods and feel GREAT about yourself. A few simple changes can literally change your life and change your health but YOU have to be ready and willing to change it.

Now onto the working out part. Yes, I work out 5-6 days a week. Yes, I work at a gym. No, I am not obsessed with working out, it doesn't control my life, but it's just part of my routine. I get up, go to the gym, go to work, go to class, sleep, eat a handful of meals in between those steps, and repeat.

Working out has changed my mindset, my body, and my confidence.
I no longer long to have the body of so-and-so, I no longer compare myself to others, and I love how clothes fit me.

Working out is more than going to the gym, walking on the treadmill, and doing a handful of sit ups. It's more than going to group fitness classes twice a week. You have to tailor fitness to YOUR needs, YOUR body, and YOUR schedule. That's why, to me, weights are SO wonderful. I have not met someone who has not had wonderful results from consistently lifting weights.

Muscle tone does not come from any supplements or doing tricep kickbacks with 2 lbs hand weights and air squats. Muscle tone is actually the unconscious contraction of your muscles while at rest, so unless you build muscle and increase the size of your muscle fiber, you will never be 'toned'. There is no such thing as 'toning' so get that out of your head right now. To increase your muscle fibers and create that 'toned' look, you need to lift adequate weight, consistently, and in a pattern that allowed your muscles to recover.

This means: totally body workouts are great every once in awhile but not every day. This also means that you should include cardio and a healthy nutrition plan to keep body fat at a healthy level to see that 'tone'. Lifting weights will not make you look like a man. Substances make women look like men. Lifting weights can accentuate your curves, make your waist look smaller, and give your arms and legs definition. Lifting weights will not make your boobs grow and I still have not come to terms with that.

Magazine workouts that say "ONLY 3 EXERCISES TO A SUMMER BODY" are complete bullshit. If it only took 3 exercises, we'd all be ripped and sexy as F. But common sense proves those 3 moves are only the tip of the 'everything you really need to do' iceberg. No pill, wrap, supplement will make your body fat go away and your muscle fibers magically grow on their own. Did you know that everyone basically has the same amount of muscle fibers (cells) and that people with bigger muscles and more of 'toned' look don't have more muscle fibers, they just have bigger muscle fibers from strength training. Yeah science, bitch!

I really wish that the US would become more educated on health and fitness instead of trying to consume random pills and wrap their bodies in saran wrap and buy into pyramid schemed and 'financial freedom' related products. But that's really too much for me to ask in these days of "It(really doesn't)Works!" and 'cleanses' and 'shakes' and '21-day challenges/fixes whatever. Come at me, pyramid scheme clientele and companies!

Side note: I literally only use minimal supplements (branch chain amino acids, a daily vitamin, and sometimes a pre-workout if I'm feeling sleepy) and I've still gotten better results than people who wrap themselves and dose themselves with raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia, and whatever else is the trending 'miracle pill'. And I bet my wallet is fatter, too.

There have been studies that show how exercise can help your mental health as well, ESPECIALLY in young men and women. So what that means, get happy now before you're old and exercise isn't as effective. Why not be ahead of the game instead of behind?! You bet your ass I'll be old and at the gym curling dumb bells in my Lululemon crops. Good habits can and should last a lifetime, instead of having to deal with issues later in life, why not do everything you friggen' can to prevent them?!!?

THIS is why insurance companies are offering gym membership incentives, to PREVENT illness and disease caused by poor health and physical wellness. But you can't be proactive when you're diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart disease. You have to be proactive, NOW.

Back to mental health, nothing is more relaxing than listening to FFDP blasting in your headphones and pumping iron.(In my opinion) Take it all out on the weights, they won't do anything back unless you stub your toe or drop one on yourself. Push yourself. Use exercise as your escape for your mental health. Anxiety, depression, and even self-esteem can all be helped through strength training.

No one is going to judge you if you ask for help, hire a personal trainer, or ask for a spot. Especially YOU, ladies! I hate being the only chick in the weight area in the mornings and I personally wish I had more females marking their territory there.

It's not easy and I will never claim it to be. If you are motivated enough, you can discipline yourself to incorporate strength training (weights) and better nutrition in your life. You are in charge of you. Self-control IS possible. But, you're not going to get there half-assing anything. I would rather see someone do nothing than half-assing it and complaining they're not getting results but that is just my view on that subject.

Don't bitch on FB and every other social media platform, hustle humbly. Then, if you really want to, post that random selfie that makes you say 'DAMN, I LOOK GOOD. I AM HAPPY WITH MY RESULTS. I AM HUNGRY FOR MORE." Don't every post something for anyone else but you. Don't make your health and fitness journey be focused on anyone or anything else but you. Your goal body shouldn't be a picture of anyone else but you. You need to create your OWN goal body. Quit focusing on 'goal weight', body fat percentage is what really matters at a certain point. You need to do this for you because it's something that no one else can do for you.

You want that summer body? Then work for it. Stop being lazy and drop the excuses. Do something for yourself that your future self with thank you for. Quit being a stereotype.

You're more than worth it.

That is all. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or compliments ;)
Recipe post is coming soon!


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