Thursday, June 25, 2015

Lack of Motivation? Loss of Dedication?

Motivation, hard to gain, easy to lose.

I'll admit it. I've been there. Motivated one day, totally unmotivated for a whole month, and so forth. It sucks, to be honest. Everyone wants to stay motivated so they get the results they want as soon as possible, but lack of motivation happens to the best of us.
Start with laying out your goals, write them down if you have to. Whatever way you lay them out, keep them handy to remind yourself why you started. Even if you workout totally SUCKS one day, at least you went. That counts.
Make sure to update your goals as you achieve them, keep your goals within reach. Don't make goals like "lose 50 pounds and drop 5 sizes in a month" because that's just crazy. I'm sure it's possible, but it wouldn't be healthy physically or mentally.
Reward yourself, and not with food. I hate seeing people say "When I get through with this workout I'm going to reward myself with a HUGEEEE cheese burger." Well then, there goes the purpose and meaning of that workout. Rewarding yourself with food is a double edged sword. Sure, reward yourself with a healthy, wholesome meal, not junk.
When it comes to rewarding myself, I usually use things like clothes or shoes. A single item that once you reach your goal, you can go buy it, because you earned it baby! Lululemon, Nike, Reebok, Target, whatever your vice may be.
Workout with a friend. If you know that so-and-so is going to be at the gym at 6:00am every day, you better get your happy little butt there and not let them down. Accountability is KEY.
Bored of your workouts? Have no idea how to work out? Don't know where to start? Well, without being too sales-y, that's what we're here for. We offer 12-week exercise and diet programs to get you started, change up your workout, or even beat your current plateau. These 12-week LiftStyle Change programs are created for you based on your needs, goals, etc. We're not trying to trick anyone into buying a plan and not using it. WE WANT TO SEE YOUR RESULTS AS BADLY AS YOU DO. That's why we're in this field, I,personally, love to help people change and mold their bodies into something they never thought they could. I love helping people, and I WANT TO HELP YOU!
Our programs and diet coaching include constant contact and updates with us, we require you to check in, send us progress pictures, ask us questions, vent to us, whatever else to want to do. That's what we're here for.
PLEASE email me if you have any questions about anything. I am here to help you, emails don't cost anything. If you want to register for the LiftStyle Change, visit our homepage.
Have a great day!
- Sarah

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