Thursday, June 25, 2015

Abs and H20

I have a lot of people inquiring about abs and how to get a flat stomach and visible abs. Let me tell you this, abs ARE truly made in the kitchen, no amount of crunches will make your abs show, and I never had visible abs before 2015.
With all of that being said, you can do ab exercises to strengthen your ab muscles and core in general, but to get those muscles to show, you have to eat right! Flexible dieting allows you to eat donuts and have treats, but if you only eat donuts, you're not going to see your abs. Eating a cleaner diet 90% of the time will give you better results when it comes to your midsection. You also have to shed fat in order to see your abs. To do that, incorporate a little extra interval cardio into your current routine and make sure that you're drinking 1 gallon of water a day.
Drinking a lot of water has a lot of benefits! Here's a few...
1. Water helps clear your complexion! Over time you will notice clearer skin (who doesn't want that?)
2. Always having water on you/drinking water throughout the day keeps you hydrated and you won't experience spells of dehydration!
3. Water helps flush built up toxins from your body
4. More water means less bloat. Believe it or not! Staying hydrating keeps your body from trying to hold onto what little water is left in the body!
5. Drinking water makes you feel full which is likely to help you eat less! (within reason)
6. Most common headaches are due to dehydration, DRINK UP!

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