Thursday, June 25, 2015


Whenever you're doing a glute exercise such as a squat, hip thrust, etc. make sure you're squeezing your glutes at the top of the lift or when you come up. This really activates the glutes and engages them i the exercise instead of going through the motions.
Squats and lunges aren't the only exercises to build your booty. Make sure you're working ALL of your glute muscles, such as the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius. This includes various lunges, squats, cable work, etc.
Another topic I want to touch on is bodyweight squats. Sure, they're great to warm up with, but other than that, if you're able, ADD WEIGHT. Barbell, dumbbell, or kettle bell squats will help build your glutes more than 100 bodyweight squats a day will. Start with a manageable weight and work your way up, in 5-10lb increments. Also, make sure you're squatting properly. There's almost nothing worse than bad squat form. 
That's all for now, I'm working on recipes to post so you flexible dieters can have some fun with yours meals! Also, make sure to head over to MAN Sports and use my code SARAHPINKS at check out for 15% off your order! 

- Sarah

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