This morning as I was getting my meals together, I was thinking about the food and ingredient swaps I've made for healthier choices. So I decided to share some with all of you!
Swap This for That
Ground Beef to Lean Ground Turkey
Sour Cream to 0% Greek Yogurt
Milk to Unsweetened Almond Milk
Sugar to Stevia
Butter to Coconut oil or Olive oil
Cheese to 2% Cheese or Low-Fat Cheese
French fries to oven baked sweet potato fries
Juice to water (juice is just empty calories!)
Potato chips to veggie chips/veggies straws
Jams/Jelly to 100% Fruit Spread or preserves
White rice to brown rice
Brown rice to Quinoa
Regular Pasta to Quinoa pasta
What are some of your favorite healthy food swaps!? Share them with me and I'll add them to this blog post!
I've also become very custom to reading food labels. For example in sauces, read the ingredients label! You'd be surprised how LONG some ingredients lists are for a tomato sauce... You want your food labels to be short and sweet.
Organic Pasta Sauce by Wild Oats vs Bertolli Food Label
8g of sugar difference in these sauces! That's a lot when it comes to sugar. No, you don't have to cut out sugar completely if you don't want to but it's always better to read labels and make your decision wisely. The ingredients on these two products are pretty similar, except the 'organic' brand has organic ingredients (well, duh Sarah)
ALWAYS Read the labels! A quick glance at a few products and you can make an education choice. If you need help reading labels or have any questions, let me know! It's okay to buy packaged foods, I get it, it's easier than making your own sauces and jams and yadda-yadda. But you CAN make smarter choices! Also, follow the serving sizes, makes a WHOLE world of difference. Measure EVERYTHING accurately every time and you'll lose unnecessary weight easy-peasy.
I hope you all have a GREAT Thursday and PLEASE comment or e-mail me your FAVORITE food swaps!