Happy Monday!
I hate Mondays. They make me miss the weekend and long for Friday. #NapQueen. I know that's not a good mindset, but I'm working on changing that. #Back2School This blog is semi-serious, because I like to think that I can be serious.
this blog topic is about me unofficially/officially hanging up my competition bikini. As you may or may not know, I competed in two OCB Natural shows from 2014-2015 and actually placed 1st and 3rd in my April 2015 Spring Naturals show. It was a great experience, I went through it with an amazing friend and my now boyfriend. (Shout out to Desi and Ryan!)
Competing is awesome. Plain and simple, to see
what the body can achieve is mind blowing. It also takes a lot of mental strength and stability because dieting down is really not fun and can take a toll on the body and mind.
Both of my preps were pretty balanced, I could have definitely improved but I have no ragrets.
The actual competition is
really fun, you get all glammed and tanned up, meet new people, go on stage, and (if you're doing it right) enjoy yourself! Both shows were really fun for me, maybe because I don't take life so seriously that I can't crack jokes or smile. #WhySoSerious Seriously though, I was chugging Cabernet out of a carton backstage, rubbing muscle sheen all over my body, dreaming of donuts with my bestie, and taking shots of Fireball before the night show. #WINNING
Right now I have a different kind of goals in mind. I plan on starting nursing school next year, I want to start bow hunting and make my first kill this fall, this summer I want to spend weekends on the lake catching small mouth bass. I want to be able to relax on the back patio with a glass of wine and a bonfire. Bodybuilding doesn't really fit in there for me right now, and that's totally fine with me.
I haven't lost my passion for fitness, I still go to the gym 5-6 days a week and have a complete training regimen of weight training and cardio. I still push myself at the gym, just for different goals. I want to put it out there that you don't need to do a show to push your limits and become the best you that you can be. A show is a great goal but you don't need it to change your lifestyle. I still sit at 133lbs about 13-15% bf and I'M SO HAPPY WITH THAT.
Some people compete a lot, some people do a show or two a year, some get bit by the competition bug, etc. That's great, if it's healthy!
A lot of people who do shows often become obsessive and it really screws with your mind and body. I wasn't one of those people but I've seen it. I honestly think my balanced mindset helped me stay so calm and cool during show prep and now after I've decided not to do any shows (anytime soon).
ALSO, just a side note: JUST BECAUSE I've done a couple of shows doesn't make that's the only body I know how to achieve or help people achieve. I am more than capable of helping myself or someone else achieve a strong, healthy, balanced body. I've heard "I want to get toned but not show ready like you" Okay jackass, 1. I started as a 145lb tub of beer 21 year old and I didn't get this way overnight. 2. There's more to fitness than TONING, because it's a balance of weight training, cardio, and eating right to create that "TONED" look that you see but think 5lb dumbbells and 2 hours of cardio will help you achieve. 3. Just because I did a show doesn't mean that's all I know or all I live for. THANK YOU. (I apologize for the sass....kind of.)

The other day, Ryan and I were heading up to Oak Brook to do some shopping and I randomly said: "I think I want to sell my suit". Ryan asked, "So you're done competing?", I then said, "I think so. I really don't have any desire to diet that hard or dedicate that much of my life to another show any time soon." AND YOU KNOW WHAT, THAT'S OKAY. THAT'S HEALTHY TO ADMIT YOU DON'T WANT TO FORCE YOURSELF TO EAT CHICKEN AND SPINACH FOR 16 WEEKS and obsessed over abs, obliques, and side-butt and whatever else competitors obsess about.
At least for me.
I see a lot of people do show after show after show and only go backwards instead of progressing. It's kind of sad and makes me wonder what else they have in their lives that they could be focusing their energy toward but again that's just me and my balanced mind talking. I find myself unfollowing fitness accounts, competition bikini brands, and supplement instagram pages. I am just on a different page in my life now and I'm ready to try new things and focus on new goals.
Competing was great for me, at the time of my life I was in, it helped me dedicate myself to fitness and put a stop to drinking and binge drinking. I wasn't an alcoholic but I would go out Friday/Saturday and spend way too much $ at the bar and wake up with a terrible hangover. NOT saying that I don't enjoy a night out every so often, but it's definitely more infrequent than it used to be. Kind of sad that's all our generation has to socialize, bars and drinking. Oh whale.
I met Ryan at the gym and he's changed my life for the better. He's introduced me to things I would have never tried before. For example, I NEVER ate fish (other than sushi) before I started dating Ryan. Now I cook fish, catch fish, and eat fish. I went deep sea fishing for the first time in my life and caught a huge effin' mahi and it was AWESOME. That's only a preview into the things we do together and what he's introduced me to, but all positive, all different. Meanwhile I've introduced him to froyo, Netflix binging, and lunges.
He's my couch monster, my boo-thang, and my right hand man, he's literally everything I could ask for in a significant other. Who knew the big bald guy in Lululemon tights and Vibrams at the gym at 6am who showed me a new rear delt exercise would be my potential boyfriend? I literally had no idea at the time.
Ryan and I train together every day. (Except for Mondays when he does Chest and I do glutes because fuck bench pressing anything) Excuse my French. We work well with each other and I know for a damn fact that not many couples can say that. He pushes me, I push him. He shows me exercises, I show him exercises. It's an excellent balance and we both have had excellent results.
On the other hand,
I have found a passion in HELPING girls with show prep. Something about helping someone accomplish their goals, chase their dreams, and demolish their fears is really fulfilling for me. I am more than willing to help someone see just how far they can push themselves and get up on that stage. I really enjoy that and that won't change any time soon.
I have big goals and big dreams, I'm ready to chase after them.
And for now, I will be hanging up my competition bikini and saying adios to the stage.
*Still considering selling my cranberry red suit, if you're interested let me know!
If you ever have any questions/comments about health, fitness, bodybuilding, etc. Please email me! I love sharing my knowledge and helping others grow theirs. My email is sarahpinksfit@gmail.com
- xoxo