Friday, August 26, 2016

Time For a Change..

I'm back, again! For the 100th time...

I haven't been 'good' at keeping up with this blog. Between school full-time, working full-time, and trying to maintain some sort of social life, this blog stands at the very end of my priorty list.

Which is why I'm making changes! (Not just for the blog, but for me!)

I have noticed lately that I haven't been able to give school my 100% while working full time, and my gardes reflected that. Sure, I was going to class and doing my assignments, but I wasn't completely learning the material. I commend anyone who goes to school and work full-time, I just struggled. Especially since my classes are all health/science related, I decided to only work part-time so I can actually learn my anatomy, physiology, and organic chemistry.

Anyways, so with that being said, I want to prioritize some things that have fallen to the back burner. This blog being one of them because I honestly miss helping people who really want to become healthier. I am going to get myself back on track too, I've eaten one too many cupcakes lately and haven't been getting my body the proper nutrition it needs.

So I'm taking this fall to revamp myself, will school coming first and foremost, and my health and sharing my knowledge and experience. The spring and summer were hard for me to take on new clients and develop programs. I won't be doing a TON but I would like to get back into that so if you're interesting in online-training or introduction to macro tracking or clean eating, email me!

For now, here's a recipe for you to enjoy!

Lemon Herb Spaghetti Squash with Shrimp

2 small/medium spaghetti squash
12 oz. large shrimp, peeled and deveined (about 20 shrimp) *you can also use the precooked/devined
1 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and cracked pepper, to taste
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 lemons, juiced (or if you like to cheat like me, use the pre-juiced lemon juice)
1 tsp. lemon zest
½ cup white wine
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
¼ cup plain Greek yogurt
2 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

1. To make the spaghetti squash, preheat oven to 350 degrees F and cut squash right down the middle. Scoop out all the seeds and place cut side down on a baking sheet lightly sprayed with oil so they don't stick. Bake the squash in the oven for 45 minutes until tender.
2. Meanwhile in a large skillet, melt oil over medium high heat, add shrimp and season with salt and pepper, sautéing for about 2 minutes. Add garlic and sauté an additional 2 minutes until shrimp is cooked through; remove from heat and set aside (don't overcook!)
3. Add lemon juice, lemon zest, white wine, Dijon mustard and red pepper flakes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow sauce to simmer until the spaghetti squash has finished baking.
4. Remove the skillet from heat and take squash out of the oven. Scrape out all the strands of spaghetti using a fork, throw spaghetti squash into a colander or bowl, pressing gently with a paper towel to allow any excess water to drain out.
5. Whisk yogurt in with the sauce until creamy and smooth then stir in chopped parsley. Toss with spaghetti squash and shrimp, serve and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Squat Bottomed Girls Make the Rockin' World Go Round

Too many women are going through life without lifting weights.
Too many myths surround fitness when it comes to women (and men, too)
Too many women think lifting weights will make them look manly
Too many women don't know how to lift weights or how to start
Too many women rely on half-ass workouts to get them to their goals
Too many women don't realize the physical and mental health benefits of lifting weights
Too many women don't realize the potential their bodies have.
Too many women don't give weights a chance.
I am determined to tear down that stigma.

I am a female, I am 24 (almost 25), and I love lifting weights. If I could make a living on lifting weights and sharing my knowledge, I totally would. I have a passion for fitness, but I haven't always.

It hit me a few weeks ago while I was standing in line at Costco. Many people I was surrounded by had poor posture, body types that did not look natural or healthy (excess fat's an article on excess fat deposits on men and women so you don't bite my face off and tell me I'm being mean FAT aka ADIPOSE), and unhappy faces. Sure it could mean anything but to me, I felt that if these people introduced health and fitness to their lives, they would stand taller, be more confident, and happy. I could have been totally wrong, and it can't apply to everyone but I know it could help A LOT of people.

This is NOT the start of body shaming and if you don't care what you body looks like, that's totally fine. To each their own. But I am a firm believer that the body is a temple and you should take care of it. That doesn't mean that I'm perfect, I'm FAR from it, but I try. I try really hard and I try every day. Yes, the body needs fat to protect organs, insulate the body, and more but it does not need excess fat.

Back on subject after the necessary disclaimer before everyone jumps down my throat...
The body is not designed to carry excess body fat, be slumped in poor posture, and the mind does not thrive on insecurities and unhappiness. What you put in your body every day determined the health for the REST of your life. Not just today, not just until that food or drink is out of your system, these daily habits have an effect on your body forever...UNLESS you decide to change them.

If you want to keep drinking (too) often, eating whatever (or not enough), staying up too late, and not getting the proper amount of daily exercise, that's your choice. BUT let me tell you...there is a whole different world out there and you are always welcome to it. A lifestyle that treats the body like a temple and doesn't give into the temptation of overloads of sugars, alcohols, and chemicals. A world that you can still have DELICIOUS foods and feel GREAT about yourself. A few simple changes can literally change your life and change your health but YOU have to be ready and willing to change it.

Now onto the working out part. Yes, I work out 5-6 days a week. Yes, I work at a gym. No, I am not obsessed with working out, it doesn't control my life, but it's just part of my routine. I get up, go to the gym, go to work, go to class, sleep, eat a handful of meals in between those steps, and repeat.

Working out has changed my mindset, my body, and my confidence.
I no longer long to have the body of so-and-so, I no longer compare myself to others, and I love how clothes fit me.

Working out is more than going to the gym, walking on the treadmill, and doing a handful of sit ups. It's more than going to group fitness classes twice a week. You have to tailor fitness to YOUR needs, YOUR body, and YOUR schedule. That's why, to me, weights are SO wonderful. I have not met someone who has not had wonderful results from consistently lifting weights.

Muscle tone does not come from any supplements or doing tricep kickbacks with 2 lbs hand weights and air squats. Muscle tone is actually the unconscious contraction of your muscles while at rest, so unless you build muscle and increase the size of your muscle fiber, you will never be 'toned'. There is no such thing as 'toning' so get that out of your head right now. To increase your muscle fibers and create that 'toned' look, you need to lift adequate weight, consistently, and in a pattern that allowed your muscles to recover.

This means: totally body workouts are great every once in awhile but not every day. This also means that you should include cardio and a healthy nutrition plan to keep body fat at a healthy level to see that 'tone'. Lifting weights will not make you look like a man. Substances make women look like men. Lifting weights can accentuate your curves, make your waist look smaller, and give your arms and legs definition. Lifting weights will not make your boobs grow and I still have not come to terms with that.

Magazine workouts that say "ONLY 3 EXERCISES TO A SUMMER BODY" are complete bullshit. If it only took 3 exercises, we'd all be ripped and sexy as F. But common sense proves those 3 moves are only the tip of the 'everything you really need to do' iceberg. No pill, wrap, supplement will make your body fat go away and your muscle fibers magically grow on their own. Did you know that everyone basically has the same amount of muscle fibers (cells) and that people with bigger muscles and more of 'toned' look don't have more muscle fibers, they just have bigger muscle fibers from strength training. Yeah science, bitch!

I really wish that the US would become more educated on health and fitness instead of trying to consume random pills and wrap their bodies in saran wrap and buy into pyramid schemed and 'financial freedom' related products. But that's really too much for me to ask in these days of "It(really doesn't)Works!" and 'cleanses' and 'shakes' and '21-day challenges/fixes whatever. Come at me, pyramid scheme clientele and companies!

Side note: I literally only use minimal supplements (branch chain amino acids, a daily vitamin, and sometimes a pre-workout if I'm feeling sleepy) and I've still gotten better results than people who wrap themselves and dose themselves with raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia, and whatever else is the trending 'miracle pill'. And I bet my wallet is fatter, too.

There have been studies that show how exercise can help your mental health as well, ESPECIALLY in young men and women. So what that means, get happy now before you're old and exercise isn't as effective. Why not be ahead of the game instead of behind?! You bet your ass I'll be old and at the gym curling dumb bells in my Lululemon crops. Good habits can and should last a lifetime, instead of having to deal with issues later in life, why not do everything you friggen' can to prevent them?!!?

THIS is why insurance companies are offering gym membership incentives, to PREVENT illness and disease caused by poor health and physical wellness. But you can't be proactive when you're diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart disease. You have to be proactive, NOW.

Back to mental health, nothing is more relaxing than listening to FFDP blasting in your headphones and pumping iron.(In my opinion) Take it all out on the weights, they won't do anything back unless you stub your toe or drop one on yourself. Push yourself. Use exercise as your escape for your mental health. Anxiety, depression, and even self-esteem can all be helped through strength training.

No one is going to judge you if you ask for help, hire a personal trainer, or ask for a spot. Especially YOU, ladies! I hate being the only chick in the weight area in the mornings and I personally wish I had more females marking their territory there.

It's not easy and I will never claim it to be. If you are motivated enough, you can discipline yourself to incorporate strength training (weights) and better nutrition in your life. You are in charge of you. Self-control IS possible. But, you're not going to get there half-assing anything. I would rather see someone do nothing than half-assing it and complaining they're not getting results but that is just my view on that subject.

Don't bitch on FB and every other social media platform, hustle humbly. Then, if you really want to, post that random selfie that makes you say 'DAMN, I LOOK GOOD. I AM HAPPY WITH MY RESULTS. I AM HUNGRY FOR MORE." Don't every post something for anyone else but you. Don't make your health and fitness journey be focused on anyone or anything else but you. Your goal body shouldn't be a picture of anyone else but you. You need to create your OWN goal body. Quit focusing on 'goal weight', body fat percentage is what really matters at a certain point. You need to do this for you because it's something that no one else can do for you.

You want that summer body? Then work for it. Stop being lazy and drop the excuses. Do something for yourself that your future self with thank you for. Quit being a stereotype.

You're more than worth it.

That is all. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or compliments ;)
Recipe post is coming soon!


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

InstaBored of #FitFam

I love Instagram. 

I use Instagram A LOT. A lot more than other forms of social media. Something about sharing one picture of an important memory, fun time, success, etc., to me is pretty damn cool.

HOWEVER, I've become super bored of fitness accounts on Instagram.

All they post is pictures of their bodies and it seems to me that's all they have going for them.

I'm guilty of it, during my competing days, I posted a lot of progress pictures (which I have nothing against!!) BUT I do think it's important to have balance and other hobbies in your life and a lot of people on Instagram are boring me with their biceps and quads. Yes, gainzzzz are cool and so is progress, but damn girl don't you read or collect something or work or hang out or do anything other than take pictures of your body??

NOT body shaming, putting that out there before it even becomes a thought. 99.99999% of the time I am "YOU GO GIRL" and "YAY FOR YOU!" when it comes to progress pictures and fitness posts, because fitness and health are awesome and SO important. However, when you've got picture after picture after picture of the same damn thing, it gets old.

This is my encouragement to incorporate other hobbies or things into your life. Learn how to cook, love how to eat, try a new sport, go fly a kite, literally. I love Instagram because I can share all different aspects of my life on one handle without giving away everything about me. Yes, there will be an occasionally selfie and lots of pictures of fish, food, and muscles, BUT there's more to me than my muscles and my body. There's more to me than going to the gym every. damn. day. I know there's more to you, too. So I'm encouraging you to show it. Show how a balanced lifestyle works, how it's healthy, and how it's helped you succeed in other aspects of life.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, because if you are then you are missing my point. And you can then go drink some #Lemonade

Later Haterz



Monday, April 4, 2016

Hanging Up my Bikini

Happy Monday!

I hate Mondays. They make me miss the weekend and long for Friday. #NapQueen. I know that's not a good mindset, but I'm working on changing that. #Back2School This blog is semi-serious, because I like to think that I can be serious.

Anyways, this blog topic is about me unofficially/officially hanging up my competition bikini. As you may or may not know, I competed in two OCB Natural shows from 2014-2015 and actually placed 1st and 3rd in my April 2015 Spring Naturals show. It was a great experience, I went through it with an amazing friend and my now boyfriend. (Shout out to Desi and Ryan!)

Competing is awesome. Plain and simple, to see what the body can achieve is mind blowing. It also takes a lot of mental strength and stability because dieting down is really not fun and can take a toll on the body and mind. Both of my preps were pretty balanced, I could have definitely improved but I have no ragrets.

The actual competition is really fun, you get all glammed and tanned up, meet new people, go on stage, and (if you're doing it right) enjoy yourself! Both shows were really fun for me, maybe because I don't take life so seriously that I can't crack jokes or smile. #WhySoSerious Seriously though, I was chugging Cabernet out of a carton backstage, rubbing muscle sheen all over my body, dreaming of donuts with my bestie, and taking shots of Fireball before the night show. #WINNING

Right now I have a different kind of goals in mind. I plan on starting nursing school next year, I want to start bow hunting and make my first kill this fall, this summer I want to spend weekends on the lake catching small mouth bass.  I want to be able to relax on the back patio with a glass of wine and a bonfire. Bodybuilding doesn't really fit in there for me right now, and that's totally fine with me.

I haven't lost my passion for fitness, I still go to the gym 5-6 days a week and have a complete training regimen of weight training and cardio. I still push myself at the gym, just for different goals. I want to put it out there that you don't need to do a show to push your limits and become the best you that you can be. A show is a great goal but you don't need it to change your lifestyle. I still sit at 133lbs about 13-15% bf and I'M SO HAPPY WITH THAT.

Some people compete a lot, some people do a show or two a year, some get bit by the competition bug, etc. That's great, if it's healthy! A lot of people who do shows often become obsessive and it really screws with your mind and body. I wasn't one of those people but I've seen it. I honestly think my balanced mindset helped me stay so calm and cool during show prep and now after I've decided not to do any shows (anytime soon).

ALSO, just a side note: JUST BECAUSE I've done a couple of shows doesn't make that's the only body I know how to achieve or help people achieve. I am more than capable of helping myself or someone else achieve a strong, healthy, balanced body. I've heard "I want to get toned but not show ready like you" Okay jackass, 1. I started as a 145lb tub of beer 21 year old and I didn't get this way overnight. 2. There's more to fitness than TONING, because it's a balance of weight training, cardio, and eating right to create that "TONED" look that you see but think 5lb dumbbells and 2 hours of cardio will help you achieve. 3. Just because I did a show doesn't mean that's all I know or all I live for. THANK YOU. (I apologize for the sass....kind of.)

The other day, Ryan and I were heading up to Oak Brook to do some shopping and I randomly said: "I think I want to sell my suit". Ryan asked, "So you're done competing?", I then said, "I think so. I really don't have any desire to diet that hard or dedicate that much of my life to another show any time soon." AND YOU KNOW WHAT, THAT'S OKAY. THAT'S HEALTHY TO ADMIT YOU DON'T WANT TO FORCE YOURSELF TO EAT CHICKEN AND SPINACH FOR 16 WEEKS and obsessed over abs, obliques, and side-butt and whatever else competitors obsess about.

At least for me. I see a lot of people do show after show after show and only go backwards instead of progressing. It's kind of sad and makes me wonder what else they have in their lives that they could be focusing their energy toward but again that's just me and my balanced mind talking. I find myself unfollowing fitness accounts, competition bikini brands, and supplement instagram pages. I am just on a different page in my life now and I'm ready to try new things and focus on new goals.

Competing was great for me, at the time of my life I was in, it helped me dedicate myself to fitness and put a stop to drinking and binge drinking. I wasn't an alcoholic but I would go out Friday/Saturday and spend way too much $ at the bar and wake up with a terrible hangover. NOT saying that I don't enjoy a night out every so often, but it's definitely more infrequent than it used to be. Kind of sad that's all our generation has to socialize, bars and drinking. Oh whale.

I met Ryan at the gym and he's changed my life for the better. He's introduced me to things I would have never tried before. For example, I NEVER ate fish (other than sushi) before I started dating Ryan. Now I cook fish, catch fish, and eat fish. I went deep sea fishing for the first time in my life and caught a huge effin' mahi and it was AWESOME. That's only a preview into the things we do together and what he's introduced me to, but all positive, all different. Meanwhile I've introduced him to froyo, Netflix binging, and lunges. He's my couch monster, my boo-thang, and my right hand man, he's literally everything I could ask for in a significant other. Who knew the big bald guy in Lululemon tights and Vibrams at the gym at 6am who showed me a new rear delt exercise would be my potential boyfriend? I literally had no idea at the time.

Ryan and I train together every day. (Except for Mondays when he does Chest and I do glutes because fuck bench pressing anything) Excuse my French. We work well with each other and I know for a damn fact that not many couples can say that. He pushes me, I push him. He shows me exercises, I show him exercises. It's an excellent balance and we both have had excellent results.

On the other hand, I have found a passion in HELPING girls with show prep. Something about helping someone accomplish their goals, chase their dreams, and demolish their fears is really fulfilling for me. I am more than willing to help someone see just how far they can push themselves and get up on that stage. I really enjoy that and that won't change any time soon.

I have big goals and big dreams, I'm ready to chase after them. And for now, I will be hanging up my competition bikini and saying adios to the stage. 

*Still considering selling my cranberry red suit, if you're interested let me know!

If you ever have any questions/comments about health, fitness, bodybuilding, etc. Please email me! I love sharing my knowledge and helping others grow theirs. My email is

- xoxo


Friday, March 4, 2016

Life As a 20-something Who Does Not Enjoy Drinking or Staying Up Late

So, it's officially March! I leave for vacation in 11 days and today is Friday. Let's just say I'm in a good mood to say the least.

Today's topic came from reflecting on the past year of my life... SO wholesome of me, I know.

This past year has been a lot of ups and very few downs, which is AWESOME and I hope I didn't just jinx myself. So, Ryan and I will have our one-year coming up very soon and I have to give him a shout out because he's literally the best. Like you should all try to find your own Ryan because he's just that good and well-rounded. Props to you, Ry guy!

I decided to go back to school as well, I made 3 different 'decisions' and finally stuck with Nursing and tested into Lewis University's accelerated BAC to BSN program. At first I thought I wanted to be an EKG tech, and then a school counselor, and then I stumbled across Lewis' accelerated program so I decided that would be the best fit for me and I'm going to make myself do it.

Ryan taught me how to fish and I totally fell in love with it. I could literally spend all day outside fishing. Ryan and I binge watched True Detective all summer, then moved on to Making a Murderer when that came out. (We're not good at watching TV) I ate a lot of steak, which I love to do. I fell in love with Lululemon. I turned 24 and went to Nashville. I love spending weekends at the lake in Wisconsin, it's SO relaxing. I love leaving my phone in the house and going out on the water ALL day. Ryan and I spent the holidays (and his b-day) together, and then came the New Year.

This year I have more goals, I want to begin bow hunting because I am SO deeply interest in it and think it would be a good hobby for me. Not to mention Ryan began last year and I want to get my hands dirty with it too! I want to excel in my pre-reqs and make my pre-term this fall my little b*tch (sorry for the vulgarity) Being 24 and going back to school has me more focused than the first time around, which is also why I chose Nursing.

Then comes me as a person, over the past year I have gotten rid of a lot of unhealthy habits and developed healthier ones. Sure, it makes me seem like a 80 year old hermit, but I thoroughly love my life and everything/one in it. I have a healthy relationship with my parents and siblings, I still hang out with my friends (when I feel like it, so shout out to you all who put up with me leaving early or not showing up at all), and Ryan and I are like two peas in a muscly pod. Work is going well and I love my team, we're productive, enthusiastic, and fun. I have finally 'FOUND' myself. I enjoy what I'm doing, I have goals, I am productive, and I'm well rested.

I don't feel the need to submerge myself in 20-something culture that involves binge drinking and late nights. I don't feel the need to eat pizza every week (even though I kind of wish I could), and I would rather 'miss out' than wake up hungover on Saturday or Sunday. I have realized 'missing out' doesn't mean much because it's the same shit on a different night. That's the issue I have with the culture that surrounds my age-range. Sure, I love wine and craft beer as much as the next chick but my goals and lifestyle don't revolve around it or include it very often. That is my choice, that is how I have chosen to live my life. To me, there's more to life than hangovers and pizza.

I still enjoy myself here and there and go out with my friends, but you won't find me out on Friday/Saturday nights every week. Hell, you're lucky to get me out once a month. That's my choice and I am MORE than happy with it. Sure, it can get lonely, but I'm lucky I have Ryan to hermit with me. It's not anti-social, it's just my idea of 'social' doesn't necessarily have to do with going out to a bar with super loud, shitty music to 'hang out' every weekend.

Some people might genuinely like doing that (or think they do...) and that's fine by me! I don't judge you and you shouldn't judge me. I have become a more well-rounded person in this past year and I wouldn't have it any other way. I may wear sweatpants more than skinny jeans and I may not be able to stay up past 9pm on a Friday, but that's me and what I like to do.

I enjoy being productive on my weekends and getting sh*t done that I can't get to during the week. I love relaxing on the couch with ONE glass of wine and watch some GoT or Law and Order. I like to grocery shop and meal prep, I like hitting the gym early on the weekends so I can avoid the tool-bags and late nighters that roll in around 10-11am.

I may be the only 24 year old like this, I may not be. But this is who I am, watch how it will shape me. I plan on being successful and this is how I will achieve it.

- xoxo Sarah

Friday, February 5, 2016

I literally haven't blogged since last year.

SO, the truth is I've been neglecting this blog. Not purposefully but just because sh*t happens.

My fall-winter in summary:

- Applied for Lewis University's accelerated BSN program, passed the testing, got in to the program.
- Celebrated the holidays + Ryan's birthday
- Binged on Making a Murderer and GoT
- Started taking a few pre-reqs I need before I start the BSN program, anatomy, org chem, blah blah blah.

That's pretty much it.

No reason not to blog but I am back in the blogging mode and ready to ramble on for the few of you who actually pay attention to what I have to say.

Super Bowl Sunday is coming up real quick and I keep seeing these video recipes circulate Facebook. They look freakin' delish, don't get me wrong. BUT a few substitutions can save you a few cals because no one counts macros or eats clean when there's 5 different dips and 14 appetizers with pizza on the way.

BUT I thought I would share my extensive knowledge of a self-taught chef for a few food swaps that can save you some calories and still taste yummy.

Sour cream for Greek yogurt
Cream cheese for Neufatchel Cheese (literally looks the same and tastes the same, less fat)
Shredded cheese for 2% shredded cheese
Tostidos chips for kale chips, whole grain chips, pita chips, sweet potato chips

I know, every dip that's half decent has cream cheese in it. BUT you can use the Neufatchel and it's like the same damn thing.

I make a killer buffalo dip in the crock pot that I don't have a recipe for because I make it up but it tastes good EVERY time.


1 package Neufatchel cheese
1 cup green yogurt
2-3 cups canned chicken (shred it up first!)
1.5 cups Franks red hot sauce
1 packet ranch seasoning
1 c. light blue cheese crumbles

Spray your crock pot with nonstick or olive oil before, then throw everything inside, cook on high for 1 hour or low for 3 and then mix it all up and ENJOY! 

Also, try to avoid the cheese and pepperoni trays, anything that has a hot dog or mini hot dog in it, because they're made up of who knows what. Munch on the veggie or fruit trays, have some dips, and call it a day!

When it comes to BOOZE, that's another story.

Vodka and gin are your lowest calorie options, but the MIXERS is where people go crazy. Anything pop or juice related has a ton of sugar in it or if it's 'diet' it has a ton of chemicals and nasty stuff. Try mixing your drinks with water, club soda, lime or lemon. ALWAYS alternate drinks with water, and avoid drinking a whole bottle of wine when at all possible. I personally have become victimized by the deliciousness of Cabernet and can probably finish a whole bottle with no problem, but I avoid doing that due to the terrible hangover I'm always dealt afterwards.

Beer, eh, light beer is okay, but again you want to be drinking water in-between. Craft beers are higher in alc % and higher in calories and carbs so drink them sparingly and with A LOT of water.

Overall, make sure you're eating while you're drinking booze but also drinking water because your body loves water more than anything else you'll be drinking that day/night.

Again, avoid binge drinking if possible, it's only going to make you feel like crap and put way more calories and carbs into your body than you really need.

If you have any questions, let me know! Email me at

- Sarah