This morning while scrolling through my FB feed and skipping over basically everything because Facebook is dumb.
Anyways, I came across a Buzzfeed article and it hit the nail on the head about everything I believe in. No crash diets, no extremes, it's all about balance and making your lifestyle healthy as a whole.
I'm not saying you cannot eat carbs or enjoy a few beers or anything like that. Just read this article and see if it gives you a little more perspective on what I'm always preachin'
I really do like Buzzfeed, they cover all the bases. Some articles make me laugh, some make me cry, some make me say 'OMG, ME TOO' way too often, but it's enjoyable. I appreciate when they post articles (such as the above) because it reminds me that I'm not the crazy one. :-)
Happy Fri-Yay!